Dr. Michelle Albert moderates important webinar on racism, anti-blackness and the path forward
Dr. Michelle Albert moderated a powerful webinar titled, I Can't Breathe: Reflections on Racism, Anti-Blackness, and a Path Forward Globally and in Cardiovascular Medicine. The webinar included 21 testimonials about racism from African American cardiovascular medicine professionals and police chiefs. Following her opening statement, Dr. Albert listed the 5 things we need to do as a society to address healthcare disparities:
- Address the medicine pipeline
- Address diversity in clinical trials
- Address access to equitable and quality healthcare
- Advocate for policy and institutional initiatives that eliminate educational and economic disparities
- Addressing inequities in promotion, advancement and endowed chairs
You can find more information on adversity and cardiovascular disease at UCSF Nurture Center where Dr. Albert leads a team of research staff and faculty.