Achievement Award winner announced in Cardiology Division
The UCSF Health Division of Cardiology leadership congratulate Ryan Runge, Achievement Award winner in Cardiology for 2018-2019. Ryan was recognized at the School of Medicine-level for his exemplary contributions and demonstrated commitment to the Chancellor’s priorities and UCSF's PRIDE values.
Every year faculty and staff from the Division nominate eligible staff from Cardiology to recognize their exceptional contributions. Prize amount is $5,000 or a maximum of 10% of base salary (whichever is lower).
Achievement Awards are designed to recognize sustained, exceptional performance and/or significant contributions from an employee(s) over an extended period of time (minimum of six months). In some cases, the activity rises to the level of a major achievement as part of a big project, in other cases a staff member engages in a sustained effort to take responsibility for professional development in an area that adds value to his or her work and results in a significant improvement in their unit. The contribution that is being recognized at the Achievement Award level must reflect at least one of the Chancellor's Priorities and/or UCSF PRIDE Values as listed below:
- Chancellor Priorities
- Cntinuous Learning, Equity and Inclusion, Precision Medicine and Transformative Partnerships
- P for Professionalism, how we conduct ourselves and our business
R for Respect for our patients, families, ourselves and each other
I for Integrity, always doing the honest, right thing
D for Diversity, understanding and embracing the diverse beliefs, needs and expectations of our patients, community and employees
E for Excellence, what we strive for in everything we do