Academic Progress and Advancement


UCSF and the Cardiology Division provide several resources for faculty to support academic progress and advancement. The Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs website provides an overview of the systems, programs and policies that support our academic work and advancement. In addition to the Faculty Handbook for Success, the Academic Senate has developed an on-line module accessible through MyAccess ( called PMAP (Personalized Mentoring Advancement Promotion Module) to help faculty understand their current appointment and requirements for advancement. Outstanding Academic HR Generalists for the Department of Medicine, Vice and Associate Deans of Academic Affairs in the School of Medicine, as well as the Office of the Vice Provost, Academic Affairs and Faculty Development are all available to help you understand and navigate academic appointment and advancement.

At the Division level, the Cardiology Division provides an optional, nonbinding Advancement & Promotion Consultation Service to assist faculty with their questions and direct them to resources within the Department of Medicine and School of Medicine on these issues. In addition, the Division provides faculty development support through a formal mentoring program for faculty at the Assistant Professor level. Although it is anticipated that you will seek out additional mentors as you become more familiar with UCSF and the Division, the mentoring program initially pairs faculty with one of the Cardiology Division Associate Chiefs, so that faculty can meet informally on a quarterly basis with an experienced faculty member during their first year and have a faculty resource for their professional development questions. Mentees also meet with our Division Chief, Dr. Jeff Olgin, for an annual review and with a Mentoring Committee comprised of Associate Chiefs and selected faculty appropriate to their interests and expertise yearly to ensure diverse perspectives on each faculty member’s development and goals.  Finally, the division offers an optional Faculty Development Series that provides informal networking dinners off-site and programs on leadership skills, communication, team building, advancement & promotion, etc.

Please also see DOM Faculty Advancement Guidelines page which includes:

  • Faculty Town Hall recording and PowerPoint for Promotion to Associate Professor for Clinician-Educators
  • Faculty Town Hall recording and PowerPoint for Promotion to Associate Professor for Researchers
  • DOM Promotion Guidelines
  • Faculty Advancement and Promotions FAQ
  • DOM Acceleration Guidelines
  • Promotion Committee Members