Fellow Spotlight: Rangarajan Nadadur, MD, PhD

Rangarajan “Rajiv” Nadadur, MD, PhD, was born and raised in Los Angeles and earned his bachelor’s degree in biology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He spent a year working as a research assistant with the World Health Organization in Geneva and Kathmandu, then worked in a lab at UCLA helping investigate molecular mechanisms of heart failure.
Dr. Nadadur earned his medical degree and PhD from the University of Chicago. His dissertation focused on how epigenetics, transcription factor biology, and regulatory networks work together to turn genes on and off in disease, particularly cardiac arrhythmias. “Understanding genetics and gene regulation will help us better understand how and why disease presents in such varied ways, and can help guide the way we treat patients,” he said.
He completed his internal medicine residency at UCSF. “I’ve always appreciated how ingrained the culture of teaching is at UCSF,” said Dr. Nadadur. “The faculty are brilliant, yet down-to-earth mentors who are happy to share what they know. My co-fellows are all very impressive, and it’s a privilege to learn from them.” He looks forward to applying his clinical training to basic and translational science lab research related to gene regulation and cardiac disease. He is a former competitive fencer, and continues to enjoy cheering on the LA Lakers.