Fellow Spotlight: Christopher Groh, MD

Dr. Christopher Groh spent his childhood near Chicago, then earned a bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering at Duke University in Durham, N.C. and his medical degree from University of Illinois-Chicago before completing his internal medicine residency at McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University in Chicago.
As an undergraduate, he greatly enjoyed a course in cardiac electrophysiology, and became even more interested in the heart during medical school. "With my background as a biomedical engineer, I'm interested in the underlying physiology of the heart, and would like to find new ways to bring basic technology to the bedside," said Dr. Groh.
At UCSF, he appreciates the opportunity to rotate at three different hospitals – UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco General Hospital and the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center – and the chance to work with world-renowned faculty. One highlight has been the amount of responsibility entrusted to fellows. "You get a lot of calls in which the patient's future will hinge on what you're asked to do," said Dr. Groh.
He will likely pursue further training in cardiac electrophysiology, and plans to combine a career in research and patient care. "It's very satisfying to apply what I've learned to help a patient, and I think they appreciate having a direct conversation about their prognosis and options," said Dr. Groh.
In his spare time he enjoys waterskiing, and looks forward to sailing on San Francisco Bay and exploring new restaurants.