Fellow Spotlight: Diane Jeon, MD

Diane Jeon, MD, MS, first became interested in medicine and public health in college while working with non-governmental organizations in Boston and South Africa. After earning her bachelor’s degree in molecular biology from Princeton University, she spent a year researching contraceptive use in South Africa. For her master’s thesis in the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program, she worked with pulmonologist Laurence Huang, MD, at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG), studying COPD biomarkers among persons living with HIV. Her interest in HIV-associated chronic diseases and health disparities continued as a UCSF internal medicine resident; her research with ZSFG cardiologist Priscilla Hsue, MD, focused on associations between neighborhood socioeconomic status and heart failure outcomes.
Dr. Jeon enjoys the breadth of cardiology, from caring for Cardiac ICU patients who have cardiogenic shock to helping patients prevent heart disease. “One fellowship highlight has been learning from advanced fellows, who are also great teachers,” she said. She is excited to continue working with outstanding research mentors like Dr. Hsue and Matt Durstenfeld, MD, MAS, and looks forward to exploring subspecialties.
Dr. Jeon’s hobbies include reading, playing piano and hiking. She and her husband, Nathan Kim, MD, a primary care physician with the San Francisco Department of Public Health, also enjoy cooking Korean food for family, friends, and their church group.